C. Brooke Dobni


Ph.D. (Bradford) MBA (University of Saskatchewan) B.Comm (University of Saskatchewan)

306-966-8442 dobni@edwards.usask.ca

25 Campus Drive, Nutrien Centre, University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, SK, S7N 5A7


Dr. Brooke Dobni is a Professor of Strategy and the past Associate Dean of Professional Programs at the Edwards School of Business.  He has also held appointments as the Acting Dean of the Edwards School of Business (2009-2010) and the Head of the Department of Management and Marketing.  

Dr. Dobni also held the PotashCorp Chair for Saskatchewan Enterprise.  The Chair, funded by an endowment established by the Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. was created to support research into Saskatchewan business and to broaden the links between students and industry.  It was created as part of PotashCorp's $5 million donation to the University of Saskatchewan, which also established the PotashCorp Centre at the Edwards School of Business.

On the research side, Dr. Dobni has published over 30 articles that focus on strategy and innovation.  He has identified innovation enhancers, and defined the relationship between strategy, innovation, and performance in organizations.  His most recent publications involve the development of a comprehensive multi-dimensional measure of innovation culture in organizations.  This construct/index has been utilized as a diagnostic and prescriptive tool by over 500 organizations across Canada.  His articles can be found in the Strategic Management Journal, Business Horizons, Journal of Business Strategy, Ivey Business Quarterly, Journal of Marketing Management, Management Decision, Journal of Financial Services Marketing, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, the European Journal of Innovation Management, and the Journal of Education for Business.  He received Bachelor of Commerce and Master of Business Administration degrees from the University of Saskatchewan, and a Ph.D. from the University of Bradford.

Dr. Brooke Dobni has been with the Edwards School of Business since 1989.  During this time he has also served as the Director of the College's Business Consulting Services program, developed and delivered executive management programs, and has been involved in over 250 consulting engagements, providing consulting services to many Canadian organizations. 


Graduate Program

  • MBA 828 Strategic Management
  • MBA 821 Agribusiness Management
  • MBA 820 Agribusiness Management
  • MBA 992 Project in Business Research Methodology
  • MBA 859 Venture Management
  • MBA 898 Special Topics

Undergraduate Program

  • COMM 401 Business Policy
  • MKT 399 Marketing Research (University of Hawaii)
  • MKT 394 Advanced Strategic Marketing (University of Hawaii)
  • COMM 204 Introduction to Marketing Management
  • COMM 102 Introduction to Business Management (engineering section)
  • COMM 346 The Commercialization of Biotechnology
  • COMM 492 Agri-Business Venture Management (agriculture section)
  • COMM 447 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
  • COMM 402 Management Skills
  • MGT 444 Business Policy II: Business Simulation
  • MGT 345 Business & Public Policy
  • OB 243 Introduction to Organizational Behavior


  • Innovation Orientation: The Construct, Research Propositions, and Managerial Implications

    Interest in the impact that an innovation orientation has on organizations is growing.  This article will outline work done to date on the construct, research propositions, and managerial implications of having an innovation orientation.

    The Innovation Index: A Measure of Innovation in Organizations

    This article introduces an empirical model that will allow organization to assess their innovation quotient (IQ).  This IQ is comprised of 12 distinct but related organizational areas.  The measures introduced in this article are significant in that they will allow organization to identify gaps, and then move to manage these gaps in efforts to develop and sustain an innovation orientation.

    Innovation Orientation: Antecedents and Consequences

    This article will address a number of questions, namely why are some organizations more innovative than others, and what effect does innovation have on business performance.

    The Relationship between Innovation and Marketing Strategy

    This article will view the relationships between innovation and the marketing stratgies chosen by organizations.  It will proceed to define the relationships between the level of innovation (as measured by the innovation index), and the organizations propensity to pursue select marketing strategies.

    Determining the Scope and Impact of Innovation Profiles on Performance

    Strategy implementation and performance in organizations are influenced by its market orientation.  Market orientation is the collective of employee behaviors that affect strategy implementation, how an organization interacts with its environment and adjusts to changes within that context.  This study identified ideal behavioral profiles for organizations seeking to maximize performance by considering the scope and impact of a market orientation on strategy implementation.  Important strategic and performance implications of this dynamic were also revealed.

    The DNA of Innovation – Traits that Promote Innovation in Organizations
    Innovation is the focus of many boardroom discussions today as executives realize that it is the key to developing a sustainable competitive advantage.  Knowing this, innovation is what organizations seek, but getting there has proven to be very challenging for most.  This article starts out by discussing the relationship between strategy, culture, and innovation, and then introduces innovation DNA that promotes innovative traits in employees.  The four DNA properties which include knowledge management, cluster enactment, venture experimentation, and co-alignment are banded together by employee constituency and psychological empowerment.  Together, these traits establish the foundation for the development and sustainment of an innovation orientation in organizations, effectively elevating strategy to the next level.